KLCSM filed a patent for a garbage incinerator ship > Notice

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KLCSM filed a patent for a garbage incinerator ship


NAME 최고관리자 DATE22-11-01 18:09 VIEW 271



KLCSM Co., Ltd., an affiliate of SM Group's shipping division, has been considering the value of old LNG ships based on excellent ship management technology for more than 40 years, and has recently become a social issue.

In connection with environmental issues, it applied for a patent for "returning ship for waste disposal and incineration using existing LNG carriers and how to renovate them.

This patent is an eco-friendly energy management system for waste disposal, which has recently become a social problem, and is expected to be highly likely to be used in the future.

It is difficult to secure various existing wastes due to secondary environmental damage such as land pollution and NIMB phenomenon due to land reclamation method,

In the method of using an LNG carrier, the waste is cooled to a low-temperature vulnerability using -160 degrees of LNG cold heat, and then pulverized through a grinder and incinerated.

This method is an eco-friendly energy management method that is expected not only to minimize incineration time and by-products, but also to reuse gas generated during waste incineration.

The patent application was devised by KLCSM executives and employees and applied for the patent application under the company's joint name after an internal review of whether it can be designed and operated.

KLCSM will review the commercialization and commercialization of technology in consultation with the government and local governments.

KLCSM prepares additional patents for land environmental hate facilities and encourages full-time employees to apply for patents using the specificity of ships. 


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